Swedish alphabet

Modern Swedish is written with a 29-letter Latin alphabet:

Majuscule Forms (also called uppercase or capital letters)
Minuscule Forms (also called lowercase or small letters)
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z å ä ö

Prior to the 13th edition of Svenska Akademiens ordlista (The Swedish Academy's Orthographic Dictionary) in 2006, the letters <v> and <w> were collated together.[1][2][3][4][5]

In addition to the basic twenty-six letters, ⟨a⟩-⟨z⟩, the Swedish alphabet includes three additional letters in the final positions: ⟨å⟩, ⟨ä⟩ and ⟨ö⟩. These are considered distinct letters in Swedish and are sorted after ⟨z⟩ as shown above. Since they do not mark grammatical variation, as the umlaut does in the German alphabet, or separate syllables, as does the diaeresis, it is not correct to call them umlauts, despite the lack of a better term in English. The umlauted ⟨ü⟩ is recognised, but is only used in names of German origin. It is otherwise treated as a variant of ⟨y⟩ and is called a "German Y". In Swedish, ⟨y⟩ is a vowel, and is pronounced as a consonant only in certain loanwords as a variant of ⟨j⟩.

The characters ⟨à⟩ (which is used only in the loanword à, from French) and ⟨é⟩ (used in some integrated loan words like idé and armé) are regarded simply as variants of ⟨a⟩ and ⟨e⟩, respectively.

The letter ⟨q⟩ is only used for a few loanwords, like queer, quisling, squash and quilting, student terms such as gasque in Swedish, or for rare family names, and foreign geographic names, like Qatar. The letters ⟨w⟩ and ⟨z⟩ are used for names, and also for a few loanwords. á is a Swedish (old-fashioned) word, while ⟨à⟩ is used for a few rare non-integrated loanwords. For Swedish native personal names, ⟨ü⟩ and ⟨è⟩ and others are also used. For foreign names, ⟨ç⟩, ⟨ë⟩, ⟨í⟩, ⟨õ⟩, ⟨ñ⟩ and many others might be used, but are usually converted to ⟨e⟩, ⟨i⟩, ⟨o⟩, etc.

Swedish newspapers and magazines have a tendency only to use letters available on the keyboard. ⟨à⟩, ⟨ë⟩, ⟨í⟩, ⟨ñ⟩, etc. are available on Swedish keyboards with a little effort, but usually not ⟨æ⟩ and ⟨ø⟩ (used in Danish and Norwegian), so ⟨ae⟩ or ⟨ä⟩, and ⟨ö⟩ are usually substituted. The news agency TT follows this usage since some newspapers have no technical support for ⟨æ⟩ and ⟨ø⟩,[6] although there is a recommendation to use ⟨æ⟩ and ⟨ø⟩.

The national population register has traditionally only used the letters ⟨a⟩~⟨z⟩, ⟨å⟩, ⟨ä⟩, ⟨ö⟩, ⟨ü⟩, ⟨é⟩, although recently more diacritics have been allowed[7] so immigrants with other Latin letters in their names have had their diacritic marks stripped (and æ/ø converted to ä/ö).


Spellings for the sje-phoneme /ɧ/

Due to several phonetic combinations coalescing over recent centuries, the spelling of the Swedish sje-sound is very eclectic. Some estimates claim that there are over 50 possible different spellings of the sound, though this figure is disputed. Garlén (1988) gives a list of 22 spellings (⟨ch⟩, ⟨che⟩, ⟨g⟩, ⟨ge⟩, ⟨gi⟩, ⟨ige⟩, ⟨j⟩, ⟨je⟩, ⟨sc⟩, ⟨sch⟩, ⟨sh⟩, ⟨shi⟩, ⟨si⟩, ⟨sj⟩, ⟨sk⟩, ⟨skj⟩, ⟨ssi⟩, ⟨ssj⟩, ⟨stg⟩, ⟨sti⟩, ⟨stj, ⟨ti⟩), but many of them are confined to only a few words, often loan words, and all of them can correspond to other sounds or sound sequences as well. Some spellings of the sje-sound are as follows:


  1. ^ "Svenska Akademiens ordbok – Trettonde upplagan av SAOL" (in Swedish). Swedish Academy. http://www.svenskaakademien.se/web/Svenska_Akademiens_ordlista.aspx. Retrieved 2011-06-21. "Trettonde upplagan inför slutligen något så ovanligt som ytterligare en självständig bokstav, nämligen w (”dubbel-v”) som inte längre sorteras in under enkelt v utan – som i många andra språk, även nordiska – blir en bokstav med egen placering efter bokstaven v." 
  2. ^ Svenska Akademien (2006-04-10). Sven-Goran Malmgren. ed (in Swedish). Svenska Akademiens ordlista över svenska språket. Stockholm: Norstedts Akademiska Förlag. pp. IX. ISBN 978-91-7227-419-8. http://www.svenskaakademien.se/BinaryLoader.axd?OwnerID=59162dda-ad88-4f29-a730-e7a23626b09f&OwnerType=0&PropertyName=Files&FileName=Inledning+SAOL.pdf&Attachment=True. Retrieved 2011-06-21. "Trettonde upplagan inför slutligen något så ovanligt som ytterligare en självständig bokstav, nämligen w (”dubbel-v”) som inte längre sorteras in under enkelt v utan – som i många andra språk, även nordiska – blir en bokstav med egen placering efter bokstaven v." 
  3. ^ Boldemann, Marcus (2006-04-21). "Alfabetet blir längre – växer med W" (in Swedish). Dagens Nyheter. http://www.dn.se/dnbok/dnbok-hem/alfabetet-blir-langre---vaxer-med-w. Retrieved 2011-06-21. "Alfabetet består inte längre av 28 bokstäver, utan 29. Det betyder att ett stort antal läroböcker måste skrivas om. Att det blivit så här beror på att Svenska Akademiens ordlista (SAOL) i sin nya upplaga särskiljer W från enkelt V. Äntligen – för det är internationell praxis." 
  4. ^ "Veckans språkråd" (in Swedish). Veckans språkråd 2006 v. 28. Språkrådet Swedish Language Council. 2006-07-10. http://www.spraknamnden.se/fragor/arkiv_sprakrad.htm. Retrieved 2011-06-21. "Om särsortering av v och w slår igenom i fler sammanhang, t.ex. i ordböcker, innebär det att det svenska alfabetet kan sägas ha 29 bokstäver, inte som tidigare bara 28. Behöver man ange denna uppgift, bör man tills vidare ge en förklaring i stil med: "det svenska alfabetet har 29 bokstäver (om man räknar w som en bokstav med egen plats i alfabetet)". Har man inte plats för sådana nyanserade tillägg, är det säkrast att uppge antalet till 29." 
  5. ^ Aniansson, Eva (2010-01-11). "3 mars 2011 — bokstaven ’W’ 6 år: HURRA!" (in Swedish). E-mail: Subject: Bokstaven W. linkli.st. http://linkli.st/konst-teknik/9oOdM. Retrieved 2011-06-21. "Den rimligaste ’födelsedagen’ är nog 3 mars 2005. Då fattade nämligen Svenska Akademiens sitt beslut att föra in W som bokstav i alfabetet. Den direkta anledningen var, som du själv påpekar, att den kommande upplagan av SAOL skulle sära på V och W. Själva bokstaven har ju funnits i långliga tider, men det var alltså i SAOL13, som kom ut våren 2006, närmare bestämt den 10 april 2006, som Akademiens ordlista för första gången hade W som ’en bokstav med egen placering efter bokstaven V’." 
  6. ^ http://www.tt.se/ttsprak/skrivregler/previewPage.aspx?chapter=12&page=0&xml=ttspraket.xml&template=ttspraket.inc
  7. ^ http://www.ratsit.se has a copy of the national population and tax register and there all diacritics incl æ,ç,ñ,ø are stripped except that å,ä,ö,ü,é are kept, except for a few people. There are for example 580 people named Francois and 20 named François.

See also


External links